Tractor Repair Happiness
LeAnn posted this blog on Saturday, July 7th, 2018 at 8:03 am
Yipeeee! The 460 is running!
When I was a kid and heard the 460 running, I knew that all was right with my world. I knew where Dad was, and I knew life was as it should be. My dad bought the tractor brand new in 1963. It was his pride and joy. The 460 worked every bit as hard as he did. And it helped make a living on our small family farm.
Randy has spent the last 3 evenings after work trying to get our Farmall 460 running. Well, it would run – just not stay running. The tractor would start right up and then run for about 30-40 seconds before quitting.
The symptoms pointed to it not getting enough gas or a flooding problem (getting too much gas):
- Gas dripping out of the carburetor
- Wouldn’t start for about 10 minutes after shutting off
Too much gas or not enough gas….that covers a lot of problems to check out.
Problems to Diagnose:
- Gas line plugged
- Fuel filter plugged
- Carburetor float not working right
- Air cleaner plugged (not getting enough air)
Repairs tried:
- Cleaned sediment trap
- Cleaned out gas tank outlet
- Cleaned carburetor fuel filter
- Cleaned air filter lines
- Cleaned the oil bath air filter
- Unstuck the carburetor float by tapping lightly with a wrench on the side of the carb
What were the problem(s):
- The oil bath air filter was kind of gummed over with just a bunch of gunk
- The carburetor float was stuck
After cleaning the oil bath air filter and tapping lightly on the carb with a wrench, this old 460 is now running great!
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